Alright, these fotos are all out of order, but oh well. This is a very bad and very small view of the enormous building we call the Duomo ( or that the unlearned Americans, call the Domo. wow, right?). Anyhow, the plan was to attend mass here Easter morning. We expected thousands of people,....but not the lack of a service, and not the rain.

This was after the fireworks . Despite the rain, there were gobs of things for tourists to feast their eyes on. It was actually quite lovely.

One of the many bulls paraded through Centro Firenze. These two nearly toppled me.

Beth made letter cookies ( a Florentine tradition ) and I spelled all the important people of the day. Oh. and there's a giant chocolate age.. yummmm

Me, Beth and Teddy (Teddy is Beth's English beau. we met him at language school) in the rain after the fireworks.

Alright. here we are: In front of the main entrance to the Duomo was an ENORMOUS cart/castle/thing adorned completely in fireworks. The display lasted about 15 minutes and managed not to touch the Duomo or its Baptistry.

The purple smoke was brilliant!!!

Every Florentine and tourist was out with their umbrellas. It all seemed quite correographed really.

colorful men in the parade before the fireworks. we obviously, were not in the best of locations.