Monday, March 16, 2009

decisions to be made

i have all of my handkerchiefs cut out. (500 12 x 12 cotto/cotton blend)

my original intent was to iron and sew double-folded hems on each side of the hankerchiefs. I decided on the double fold so that there would be no exposed edges. My decision would have been a wise one if I had more than 7 weeks to complete the project. I started ironing edges...and it took me an hour to iron two sides each of 12 handkerchiefs. I did the math- that means 83 hours of ironing... BAD IDEA.

new plan: find access to a serger. SERGE the edges, print. fold. done. boom.

as far as the quilt goes... i have all of the pieces cut into squares and am ready to put them together again. BUT, i need to decide whether or not to print on the fabric... or let it be simply as it is.

-short floor riser for quilt
-shelves/drawers for hankies?
-remnant of hanky? how? what?
-move through crowd to give out hankies, or let them come to me? why?

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